Monday, April 26, 2010

Weekend Update

I suppose I am not very good at this blogging thing. I am trying though.

So what has been going on. Well I am still training for my half marathon. That is all payed for now, so I can't back out. Sophie and I went to lunch one day. I am so glad she is my best friend. I had a super freak out moment over Flinx and Angel, which resulted in Mr. W, asking me what the big deal was and me getting mad at him. There was no big deal, I was just over reacting. When he called me back later I told him that he had irritated me, and we had a good laugh about it. Now he just agrees with me in a mocking tone. It works for me. This weekend Mr. W and his roommate, let's call him Roomy, went out to this dive bar and played pool. Roomy was punching the air to make a point and accidentally punched this chick right in the arm as she was walking by. It was so funny. I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to pee my pants. She was OK and was laughing about it and poor Roomy felt like a total jerk.

The funniest part of the weekend was on Saturday. Mr. W and I were over for dinner. My Mom was showing me something in her room, and we were sitting on the bed chatting. I said to my mom "My knees are really sore." Her face went this funny shape of wanting to say something and laugh, a look of shock and awe and a smart ass remark, but is just would not come out. It seemed as if her breath was caught in he chest. She finally shakes her head and replies "I don't want to know! LA LA LA! To much information!" as she sticks her fingers in her ears just in case I start to give details. Instantly knew what I had said did not come out sounding anything like what I had meant. You see, I had done a 6 mile run on Thursday, and my joints were still a bit achy. We sat back and laughed until our sides hurt and my stomach ached. I could not even look at her with out bursting into laughter. I was so embarrassed! We composed our self, went out side with the guys, and she told them what had been said. Mr. W gave me shit about it all weekend.

1 comment:

  1. that totally sounds like mom! glad you're having fun and happy!
